BodybuildingSARMs YK11: How It Works?

What is YK11 CAS 1370003-76-1?

First and foremost, let’s take a closer look at what this compound is.

YK11 is a selective androgen receptor (SARM). In case you aren’t familiar with SARMs, the

By being targeted, they interfere with less biological processes causing little to no side effects compared to AAS.

YK11 is a unique type of compound because it works a little differently than most compounds.

The research on this SARM is minimal, and it has not been through human clinical trials.

Therefore, we recommend staying away from it and going with a legitimate muscle-builder like Ecdysterone.


YK11 isn’t your typical Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. Actually, the opinions on whether or not it is a SARM are divided.


Well, it’s a lot stronger and more effective than the other compounds out there. It has a unique type of mechanism behind it.

We’ve done extensive research on this compound, and there are a few things that stand out.

  • It was shown to have anabolic activity
  • Might inhibit the activity of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
  • It can upregulate follistatin

It’s quite exciting yet very complicated at the same time because, as we mentioned, data is limited.

In this clinical study, you can learn more about the effects of this SARM.


We’ve spoken to athletes and bodybuilders who have tested this compound and wanted to share their experiences with us. They claim that there’s a good reason why they use it.

And that is because they found it highly effective at building muscle tissue. When using the YK11 Sarm, gaining muscle mass becomes much easier, and you’ll gain it faster.

They claim that they managed to gain size every week while using it, but their strength will also increase rapidly.

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